Design Services

Home Design

Do you need some advice for decorating your home, making a total renovation or you just don't know what to do with a space? I can help you without a huge price tag.

For on site design, I will come & visit the place on spot. During my visit I will find out:

  • Measurements of the space

  • Present and future function of the space

  • Photos of the space

  • Your wishes - which style you like and which you don't like

If needed I will then send you a list of questions and some pictures with different moods to find out what you like and what you dislike - colours, styles etc.

What will you get & how much it costs:

Plan A

  • Moodboard

  • Detailed floorplan

  • List of items with prices, links, details where to buy

Price from 350€/room

Plan B

  • Moodboard

  • Detailed floorplan

  • Shopping for you

  • Arranging with final touch

Prices starting from 650€/room, 950€/kitchen, 850€/bathroom

The prices don’t include materials nor renovation works. When renovation, painting etc is needed I will ask offers from a couple of companies and based on those you can deside which one to choose.


Home-staging, the art of making your home look neat, stylish and inviting for the potential buyer, is the essential first step in selling your home.

Let me help you discover where the problems and solutions are for your home-staging needs. It may be anything from a little closet thinning and tidying up to a major furniture and design overhaul.

Starting with a consultation and idea visit. I will visit your place and tell you on the buyers point of view what should be done to make your place attract as many potential buyers as possible. The visit will take app. 1 hour. After that if you need more help & advice, or me to make it all happen, there are options how to continue:

  • I can continue straight away and arrange the furniture etc.

  • We can set up a new appoinment for completing the home-staging with the existing furniture. Maybe some painting, few new pieces of furniture, new textiles etc will be needed.

  • You might want total staging for a vacant place whether it is an old or totally new one. I will check and make a rough list what is needed to make the space ready for sale.

How much will it cost?

  • Consultation fee 50€ - I give you advice & suggestions

  • Re-arranging existing furniture & decluttering fee starting from 400€

    • adding soft furbishing such as rugs, cushions, curtains, bedspreads, blankets will cost according to the budget

  • Home-staging fee for an empty space starting from 800€

    • adding furniture & textiles according to the budget

I am sure we will find the perfect solution for your home and budget and you will get a better price for your place! 

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Why home-staging works to sell your home faster & for top euro?

Buying a home is exciting but can be stressful as well. It is a huge amount of money, and you don’t want to make the wrong decision. Seeing ugly kitchens, awkward layouts, awful decors make you wonder if it is possible to find the right place in your price range.

Then suddenly it happens! You see the great curb appeal, step in and within minutes decide “This is my home!”. It just hits you at an emotional level.

People believe that they can look past ugly decor or empty rooms and see that potential, but the truth is that most can’t!

Home-staging works because people buy on emotion.

Once a buyer falls in love, forget logic. Suddenly the must-haves on their real estate list don’t seem so necessary.



Nothing beats a bunch of fresh flowers. They are beautiful, of course, but they also give a caring, cosy and fresh feeling to a space. 

At FlowerMe you can order a beautiful, organic bunch and it will be delivered straight to your address.


Here are some simple tips to do before showing your home to a potential buyer:

  • De-clutter and organize

  • Fresh air is better than an unpleasant smell

  • Keep it simple

  • Art, paintings and photos shouldn't be devastating 

  • No personal photos, children's drawings

  • Lots of natural light or enough lamps

  • Fresh plants and flowers

  • Fix the doorhandles, running taps etc

  • Every space should look functonal

  • Close the lid of the toilet seat

  • Let the rooms be airy, not too full

  • Cosy atmosphere - a cup of coffee, an open book, a scented candle, a scented soap etc

  • Neutral colours



E-Decor is a complete consulting service in everything relared to interior design & styling. Paint, wallpaper, furniture, accessories - just name it and I’ll find it for you within the agreed budget.

What will you get:

  • A complete PDF dossier with

    • Detailed floorplan

    • Moodboard

    • Colours & details

    • Shopping list, links & details of what & where to buy

What I need from you:

  • Pictures of the room(s)

  • Measures of the room(s)

  • Preferences - what colours/styles etc. you like & don’t like

  • Your budget

  • Your wishes - which style you like and which you don't like

  • 190€/room

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First thing people see in a property add is - the pictures!
Professional photos are essential when you sell or rent your property.

Interior Photos
Are you a real estate agent or a home-owner selling your property? In both cases you would need photos to attract potential buyers, right?

I'm happy to offer my services and help for you.
My interior photo package includes:
- sufficient amount of edited photos inside & outside (10-15pc)
- transfer with
- travelling expenses in Fuengirola
- slight staging if needed

Price starting from 80€

To get the best possible photos of a home, it’s recommended:

  • to do a little home staging of the rooms that you want to be photographed

  • having it clear of clutter and clean definitely makes for better photographs

  • some flowers and some fruit bowls will warm up the interior space, and make it look inviting 

  • clearing the floors of clutter will also make the rooms look more spacious

    Daytime isn’t the only period to get the best real estate photos. Having both day and evening photos of the property gives prospective buyers a full glimpse of the aesthetic of the residence at varying times. 

If you are an agent and you have plenty of properties to shoot, we can agree a package price.

Contact me and make appointment

Let's boost your sales with attractive photos!

Riverport home.

Riverport home.


I thing we all need feedback from our work. Whether it is positive or negative, it helps us to improve in our professional field, and personal as well.. Nothing is more rewarding than a happy client! I have collected here what my clients think about my work. The texts are in that language which the client used.

Uskon, että jokainen meistä kaipaa palautetta työstään. Oli se sitten positiivista tai negatiivista, se auttaa meitä kehittymään ammattitasolla. Mikään ei ole palkitsevampaa kuin tyytyväinen ja onnellinen asiakas. Olen kerännyt tähän asiakkailtani saamaani palautetta. Tekstit ovat sillä kielellä, jolla asiakas kommentoi.

Tiina Arminen on kokenut ja taitava sisustussuunnittelija. Hänellä on taito räätälöidä suunnitelmia yhtä lailla pieniin kuin suuriinkin tarpeisiin - ja jopa myös silloin, kun asiakas itse ei tiedä mitä haluaa.

Tiina tutustuu kohteisiinsa huolella, tarjoaa erilaisia ratkaisumalleja ja etenee ripeästi asiakkaansa valitsemalla reitillä. Tiinalla on laaja tietämys huonekaluista ja sisustusmateriaaleista ja hänellä on intuitiivinen kyky ymmärtää asiakkaidensa tarpeet. Tiina osaa etsiä laadukkaita tuotteita ja materiaaleja käypään hintaan, hän on luotettava ja varma, safe pair of hands, mutta osaa myös yllättää ilahduttavalla tavalla.

Tiina on sisustanut minulle asuntoja kolmessa eri maassa, ja voin suositella häntä varauksetta. Tiina itse on tärkeilemätön ja tyylikäs.”

Jouko Heikura, yrittäjä, toimittaja-kirjailija, Lontoo


“Tiina Arminen and I have worked together over the past five years on various projects. These include properties for sale & development as well apartments for our sound proofing and acoustics clients.  

Given a brief Tiina is able quickly to put together a design concept.  This will then be followed with a cost calculation and information where to source the needed materials and furniture.   

What has been important for us is that she is able to combine existing elements  with current design trends.  While doing this she has always delivered on time and on budget.  Tiina’s photograhic talent has been invaluable when marketing the developed properties.” 

Senja Karttunen, HANGPont – Sound proofing & acoustic solutions for residential and commercial clients, Budapest   


“Suurkiitos Tiina, että autoit minua vaatehuoneongelmissani! Sinulla toden totta on visuaalista silmää ja mahtavia ideoita! Enpä olisi itse osannut hahmottaa. Tästä tuli ihana!”

Nina Tainio, yrittäjä, SKY kosmetologi, Biuti, Helsinki


“Tiina Arminen sisusti 4h+k asuntoni Budapestissa. Hän työskentelee tehokkaan prosessin mukaan, mikä auttaa asiakasta löytämään haluamansa tyylin ja muotoilemaan toivomuksensa niin, että lopputulos tuntuu omalta.

Tiinalla on aivan mahtava tyyli- ja värisilmä, joka auttaa rakentamaan asunnon sisustuksesta koko tilan kattavan kokonaisuuden. Samalla hän osaa myös mukautua asiakkaan budjettiin niin, että alkuperäinen konsepti ei siitä kärsi. Tiinan käsiin voi huoletta antaa koko asunnon sisustuksen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen, hän työskentelee nopeasti ja laadukkaasti.

Lisäksi Tiina on välitön, helposti lähestyttävä ja voittaa asiakkaan luottamuksen nopeasti.”

Antti-Jussi Lumijärvi, taloushallinnon asiantuntija, Budapest


“Wir haben unsere Wohnungsrenovierung mit Tiina Arminen geplant. Aus einem verwohnten Etwas hat sie eine helle, moderne Wohnung gestaltet. Sie hat sehr gute Ideen, auch außergewöhnliche, auf die wir nie gekommen wären. Sie hat diesen leichten, hellen skandinavischen Einrichtungsstil und hört genau zu was man möchte und was Einem wichtig ist.

Tiina kann mit ihren Plänen eine gute Vorstellung vermitteln, wie das Endergebnis wird und sie hat ein Händchen für die Komplettierung am Ende der Umbauphase. Wir können sie wärmstens empfehlen.”

Janine & Frank Odzuck, CEO Zwack, Budapest


“I have met Tiina 3 years back at one of my flower bouquets workshops and we have been working and collaborating on different styling projects ever since. She is very professional, precise and has a natural sense for design and beauty. On top she has the ability to transform a cluttered environment into a clean, minimalist space you love to live in. Working with her is a joy also because of her warm personality which makes al the difference.”

Mihaela Tom, florist, entrepreneur, flowerMe, Budapest


“Tiina on oikein taitava ja vieläpä erittäin mukava 🌹”

Päivi Koskinen, Kiinteistönvälittäjä, LKV, Solid House, Turku


“I can warmly recommend Tiina Arminen and her professionalism in Interior Design. Great person, lovely attitude and taste, inspiring ideas, and good service.

She made my ideas for Zen Studio fly and helped me to make that place so stylish and welcoming.

BTW. She is also a talented photographist, and took our pics.”

Laura Heikkinen, owner of Zen Studio, Malaga


“Aivan uskomaton muutos ja upeita kuvia! Eihän tuota taloa tunnista samaksi. Kyllä minä hienoa tulosta odotin, mutta en sentään tällaista. Voit olla varma, että suosittelen sinua aina tilaisuuden tullen. Oli todella mukava tehdä etäyhteistyötä kanssasi. Olen todella hyvin iloinen ja kiitollinen tuloksesta!”

Teija Pekonen, asunnonomistaja, Torreblanca



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Home of a German family in Budapest.

Home of a German family in Budapest.